International talent training
l Since 2016, graduate students have exchanged more than 30 timesabroad, including McMaster University, Yale University, Kyushu University, University of Birmingham, Tohoku University, Helmholtz National Research Association UFZ, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Technology Wait.
l Since 2016, graduate students have participated in more than 120 international academic conferences. Conference venues include; Stuttgart, Germany, Houston, USA, Hamburg, Germany, Hokkaido, Japan, Nagpur, India, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Barcelona, Spain.
l It has undertaken the training of international students and has graduated 7 doctoral students, 25 master students, and 11 exchange students. Including Sri Lanka, India, Iran, Rwanda, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Kenya, Austria, France, Jordan, and other countries. Currently, there are 13 master students and 16 doctoral students.