Water Environment Protection and Treatment
Water Environment Protection and Treatment
The team of water environment protection and treatment mainly studies the water pollution control and treatment technology, drinking water security technology, the application of environmental management information system, environmental behaviors and biological effects of environmental pollutants, environmental functional nanomaterials, pollution mechanism and restoration of mining area, ecotoxicology of emerging contaminants, environmental behavior of POPs, wastewater treatment technology, and the advanced oxidation process. The academic team has 2 professors and 2 associate professors. The team has undertaken more than 20 projects, and publishes more than 200 academic papers.
3)Main Research Field
a)Wastewater treatment technology
b)Drinking water treatment technology
c)Solid waste disposal and recycling technology
d)Environmental management information system
e)Ecotoxicology of emerging contaminants
f)Advanced oxidation process
g)Environmental behaviors and biological effects of environmental pollutants (nano particles, organic pollutants, heavy metals)
h)Environmental functional materials
i)Phosphorus behavior in lake water;
j)Pollution mechanism and restoration of mining area
4)Team Members
![]() | Zhou Beihai Professor, Doctoral supervisor, PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: zhoubeihai@sina.com |
![]() | Wang Fei Professor, Doctoral supervisor, PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: wangfei@ustb.edu.cn |
![]() | Chen Huilun Associate Professor, PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: chenhuilun@ustb.edu.cn |
![]() | Yuan Rongfang Associate Professor, PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: yuanrongfang@ustb.edu.cn |
5)Representative achievements in recent years
[1] Shaona Wang, Kang Du, Rongfang Yuan*, Huilun Chen, Fei Wang, Beihai Zhou*. Effects of sulfonamide antibiotics on digestion performance and microbial community during swine manure anaerobic digestion. Environmental Engineering Research, 2021, 26(1): 471-483.
[2] Shaona Wang, Sijian Yao, Kang Du, Rongfang Yuan*, Huilun Chen, Fei Wang and Beihai Zhou*. The mechanisms of conventional pollutants adsorption by modified granular steel slag. Environmental Engineering Research, 2021, 26(1): 353-362.
[3] Zhuqing Feng, Huilun Chen*, Haiqing Li, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Zhongbing Chen, Beihai Zhou*. Microwave-assisted KOH activated lignite semi-coke for treatment of biologically treated wastewater from pulp and paper mill. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8(4): 103924.
[4] Shaona Wang, Rongfang Yuan*, Chengchen Liu, Beihai Zhou*. Effect of Fe2+ adding period on the biogas production and microbial community distribution during the dry anaerobic digestion process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 136: 234-241.
[5] Zhuqing Feng, Huilun Chen*, Haiqing Li, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Zhongbing Chen, Beihai Zhou*. Preparation, characterization, and application of magnetic activated carbon for treatment of biologically treated papermaking wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 713: 136423.
[6] Huanhuan Hou, Liang Duan*, Beihai Zhou*, Yuan Tian, Jian Wei, Feng Qian. The performance and degradation mechanism of sulfamethazine from wastewater using IFAS-MBR. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31: 543-546.
[7] Huanhuan Geng, Fei Wang*, Changchun Yan, Zhijun Tian, Huilun Chen, Beihai Zhou, Rongfang Yuan, Jun Yao. Leaching behavior of metals from iron tailings under varying pH and low-molecular-weight organic acids. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 383: 121136.
[8] Xitong Huang, Yong Li, Ke Chen, Haiyan Chen, Fei Wang*, Xiaomin Han, Beihai Zhou, Huilun Chen, Rongfang Yuan. NOM mitigates the phytotoxicity of AgNPs by regulating rice physiology, root cell wall components and root morphology. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260: 113942.
[9] Huilun Chen*, Qianyu Wang, Yanping Cai, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Beihai Zhou, Zhongbing Chen. Effect of perfluorooctanoic acid on microbial activity in wheat soil under different fertilization conditions. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264: 114784.
[10] Yanping Cai, Huilun Chen*, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Zhongbing Chen, Beihai Zhou*. Metagenomic analysis of soil microbial community under PFOA and PFOS stress. Environmental Research, 2020, 188: 109838.
[11] Dan Xu, Xiaomin Han, Huilun Chen, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang*, Beihai Zhou*. New insights into impact of thermal hydrolysis pretreatment temperature and time on sewage sludge: Structure and composition of sewage sludge from sewage treatment plant. Environmental Research, 2020, 191: 110122.
[12] Ruru Han, Beihai Zhou*, Yuanyi Huang, Xiaohui Lu, Shuo Li, Nan Li*. Bibliometric overview of research trends on heavy metal health risks and impacts in 1989–2018. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 276: 123249.
[13] Jihong Wang, Huilun Chen*, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Fangshu Ma, Beihai Zhou*. Intensified degradation of textile wastewater using a novel treatment of hydrodynamic cavitation with the combination of ozone. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8(4): 103959.
[14] Changchun Yan, Fei Wang*, Haijun Liu, Huafeng Liu, Shengyan Pu, Fanyu Lin, Huanhuan Geng, Shuai Ma, Yiyue Zhang, Zhijun Tian, Huilun Chen*, Beihai Zhou, Rongfang Yuan. Deciphering the toxic effects of metals in gold mining area: Microbial community tolerance mechanism and change of antibiotic resistance genes. Environmental Research, 2020, 189: 109869.
[15] Zhenqi Yang, Huilun Chen*, Jihong Wang, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Beihai Zhou*. Efficient degradation of diisobutyl phthalate in aqueous solution through electro-Fenton process with sacrificial anode. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8(5): 104057.
[16] Changchun Yan, Fei Wang*, Huanhuan Geng, Haijun Liu, Shengyan Pu, Zhijun Tian, Huilun Chen, Beihai Zhou, Rongfang Yuan, Jun Yao. Integrating high-throughput sequencing and metagenome analysis to reveal the characteristic and resistance mechanism of microbial community in metal contaminated sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 707: 136116.
[17] Chengyu Suo, Dandan Xu, Rongfang Yuan*, Beihai Zhou*. Synchronous removal of Cd(II), Pb(II), and Cu(II) by coagulation in the presence of polymeric ferric sulfate. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 195: 421-434.
[18] Chengyu Suo, Kang Du, Rongfang Yuan*, Huilun Chen, Fei Wang, Beihai Zhou*. Adsorption study of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution by activated carbon in single and mixed system. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 183: 315-324.
[19] Rongrong Hou, Haiqing Li, Huilun Chen*, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Zhongbin Chen, Beihai Zhou*. Tertiary treatment of biologically treated effluents from pulp and paper industry by microwave modified activated carbon adsorption. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 182: 118-126.
[20] Huilun Chen*, Qianyu Wang, Yanping Cai, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Beihai Zhou*. Investigation of the interaction mechanism of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids with human serum albumin by spectroscopic methods. International Journal of Environmental Research and Publish Health, 2020, 17(4): 1319.
[21] Lin Gao, Beihai Zhou*, Fei Wang*, Rongfang Yuan, Huilun Chen, Xiaomin Han. Effect of dissolved organic matters and inorganic ions on TiO2 photocatalysis of diclofenac: mechanistic study and degradation pathways. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(2): 2044-2053.
[22] Yuanyi Huang, Beihai Zhou*, Ruru Han, Xiaohui Lu, Shuo Li, Nan Li*. China’s industrial gray water footprint assessment and implications for investment in industrial wastewater treatment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 7188-7198.
[23] Yuanyi Huang, Beihai Zhou*, Nan Li, Yumeng Li, Ruru Han, Jianchuan Qi, Xiaohui Lu, Shuo Li, Cuiyang Feng, Sai Liang*. Spatial-temporal analysis of selected industrial aquatic heavy metal pollution in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 238: 1-10.
[24] Yanping Cai, Huilun Chen*, Rongfang Yuan, Fei Wang, Zhongbing Chen, Beihai Zhou*. Toxicity of perfluorinated compounds to soil microbial activity: Effect of carbon chain length, functional group and soil properties. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 690: 1162-1169.
[25] Ruru Han, Beihai Zhou*, Luyang An, Haibo Jin, Lei Ma*, Nan Li, Ming Xu, Linjun Li. Quantitative assessment of enterprise environmental risk mitigation in the context of Na-tech disasters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019, 191(4): 210.
[26] Xin Bo, Xiaoda Xue, Jun Xu, Xiaohui Du, Beihai Zhou*, Ling Tang*. Aviation’s emissions and contribution to the air quality in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 201: 121-131.
[27] Rongfang Yuan, Yudan Zhu, Beihai Zhou*, Jiangyong Hu*. Photocatalytic oxidation of sulfamethoxazole in the presence of TiO2: Effect of matrix in aqueous solution on decomposition mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 359: 1527-1536.
[28] Xiaofeng Wang, Beihai Zhou*, Xia Shao. Determination of acid dissociation constants and reaction kinetics of dimethylamine-based PPCPs with O3, NaClO, ClO2 and KMnO4. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 2019, 54(6): 518-525.
[29] Xiaofeng Wang, Yin Li, Ruiyang Li, Hongwei Yang, Beihai Zhou*, Xiaomao Wang, Yuefeng Xie. Comparison of chlorination behaviors between norfloxacin and ofloxacin: Reaction kinetics, oxidation products and reaction pathways. Chemosphere, 2019, 215: 124-132.
[30] Xiaomin Han, Fei Wang*, Beihai Zhou, Huilun Chen, Rongfang Yuan, Shuhu Liu, Xiaoqin Zhou, Ling Gao, Yan Lu, Ru Zhang. Phosphorus complexation of sewage sludge during thermal hydrolysis with different reaction temperature and reaction time by P K-edge XANES and 31P NMR. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 688: 1-9.
[31] Shaona Wang, Rongfang Yuan, Chengchen Liu, Qiaoshang Wang, Beihai Zhou*. Microbial community characteristics and shortcut nitrification-denitrification under the intermittent aeration profile in a SBR treating swine wastewater, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019, 28(10): 7259-7266.
b)Important Project
[1] Technology and demonstration of rural sewage resource recovery and safe reuse (2019YFD1100202), supported by National Key Research and Development Project; 2019-2022
[2] Water environment governance technology evaluation and intelligent software system research (2018ZX07110-007), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2018-2020
[3] Emergency treatment of accident wastewater in dangerous waters (2017ZX07107005-002), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2017-2020
[4] Advanced treatment technology of papermaking wastewater (2017ZX070206-002-03), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2017-2020
[5] Critical technology of black and odorous pollution control and water environment quality improvement (AA17202032-5), supported by Science and Technology Major Project of Guangxi Province of China; 2017-2020
[6] Integration and demonstration of water pollution control technology in rural area for middle and upper Duliujian River (2015ZX07203-011-01), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2015-2018
[7] High efficiency and low consumption technology of nitrogen and phosphorus removal for rural domestic sewage (2014ZX07510-001-04), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2012-2015
[8] Operational application of water ecological risk early warning (2012ZX07503-003-005), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2012-2015
[9] Kinetics and molecular mechanism of 2-MIB biodegradation (51178043), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China; 2012-2015
[10] Research and engineering demonstration of high efficient biological and ecological treatment technology of rural sewage (2008ZX07105-002), supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2008-2010
[11] Environmental geochemical behavior of typical pollutants (Grant No. 41822706), supported by National Natural Science Foundation; 2019-2021
[12] Mechanism of degradation and transformation of sulfanilamide antibiotics by dissolved organic matter and nanoparticles and their complex ecotoxicological effects (Grant No. FRF-TP-19-001C1), supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; 2019.07-2022.06
[13] Study on environmental transformation mechanism of typical sulfanilamide antibiotics based on stable isotope technology (Grant No. 8182034), supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation; 2018-2020
[14] Environmental geochemical behavior and biological effects of nanoparticles and antibiotics (Grant No. 41473096), supported by National Natural Science Foundation; 2015-2018
[15] Environmental geochemical behavior of carbon nanotubes and phthalates and their combined toxic effects on terrestrial microorganisms (Grant No. 41103060), supported by National Natural Science Foundation; 2012-2014
[16] Demonstration study on rural sewage treatment and reuse project based on resource utilization, supported by National Key Research and Development Project; 2019-2022
[17] Advanced treatment technology of papermaking wastewater, supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of “Water Pollution Control and Management”; 2017-2020
[18] The environmental behavior of perfluorinated compounds in soil-water interface and microbial responses, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China; 2015-2018
[1] Second Award of Environmental Protection Science and Technology, 2017
[2] First Award of Teaching Achievement of University of Science & Technology Beijing, 2012
[3] Second Award of Undergraduate Innovation of University of Science & Technology Beijing, 2008