Ecological environment process and planning management
Ecological environment process and planning management
Focusing on the basic theory, technical methods and frontier scientific issues of ecological environment, the basic theoretical research on environmental system process, geochemical cycle and ecotoxicology is carried out. In view of the theory, policy, method and practice research of ecological environment management, planning and evaluation, the team carry out theoretical research on environmental space delimitation and spatial material flow analysis and focus on the application difficulties and scientific problems of environmental spatial structure theory and method. They innovate new research technologies in the field of environmental planning. Based on the information technology such as database, remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) and combining with the emerging technologies of big data and Internet plus, the team study the dynamic performance evaluation system of ecological restoration and environmental pollution prevention which based on social and economic multi-objective optimization and constraint by resource and environment multi-element. Aiming at soil and groundwater pollution, the team promote environmental materials and functional microbial remediation technology. The team carry out the research of organic waste recycling and sustainable ecological health technology.
The academic team has undertaken the key projects of National Natural Science Foundation, the "Hundred Talents Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences, environmental protection public welfare projects, 973 sub-projects, the National key research and development plan. The team has 2 professors, 1 associate professor, and 1 lecturer.
3)Main Research Field
a) Ecological environment management and policy
b) Ecological environment planning and evaluation
c) Environmental Geochemistry
d) Remediation technology of soil and groundwater pollution
e) Environmental microorganism and Ecotoxicology
f) Resource utilization of organic wastes and sanitation technology
g) Ecological environment information system
4)Team Members
![]() | Ji Hongbing Professor,Doctoral supervisor,PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: |
![]() | Li Tianxin Professor,Doctoral supervisor,PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: |
![]() | Song Bo Associate professor, PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: |
![]() | Wang Xuemei Lecturer,PhD Major: Environmental Science and Engineering Email: |
5)Representative achievements in recent years
[1] Yan Zhang, Xuemei Wang, Hongbing Ji*, Stabilization process and potential of agro-industrial waste on Pb-contaminated soil around Pb-Zn mining, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260: 114069.
[2] Biaobiao Shen, Xuemei Wang, Hongbing Ji*, Optimum pH and Eh for simultaneously minimizing bioavailable cadmium and arsenic contents in soils under organic fertilizer application. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 711: 135229.
[3] Yan Zhang, Xuemei Wang, Hongbing Ji*, et al, Co-remediation of Pb contaminated soils by heat modified sawdust and festuca arundinacea. Scientific Reports, 2020,10:4663.
[4] Yan Zhang, Hongbing Ji*, Physiological responses and accumulation characteristics of turfgrasses exposed to potentially toxic elements. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 246: 796-807.
[5] Huaijian Ding, Lei Tang, Yining Nie, Hongbing Ji*,Characteristics and interactions of heavy metals with humic acid in gold mining area soil at a upstream of a metropolitan drinking water source. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 200: 266-275.
[6] Tianxin Li, Yong Li, Difei An, et al. Mining of the association rules between industrialization level and air quality to inform high-quality development in china [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 245: 564-574.
[7] Tianxin Li,Fang Zhang,Yuanyuan Jiao, et al. Study on carbon sequestration capacity of typical crops in northern China[J]. Journal of Plant Biology, 2019, 62(3):195-202.
[8] Tianxin Li, Hongqing Song, Jiulong Wang, et al. An analytical method for modeling and analysis gas-water relative permeability in nanoscale pores with interfacial effects[J]. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016,159: 71-81.
[9] Tianxin Li, Yangwen Han, Yaya Li, et al. Urgency, development stage and coordination degree analysis to support differentiation management of water pollution emission control and economic development in the eastern coastal area of China[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2016,71: 406-415.
[10] Bo Song, Yue Zhang, Lixiao Zhang, et al. A top-down framework for cross-regional payments for ecosystem services[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 182: 238-245
[11] Yue Zhang, Bo Song, Xiaoni Xiao, et al. The assessment of spatial patterns of multiple ecosystem services in Beijing, China[J]. Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria, 2016, 31(11):61-73.
[12] Feng Long, Bo Song, Qunhui Wang, et al. Scenarios simulation on municipal plastic waste generation of different functional areas of Beijing[J]. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2012, 14(3): 250-258
[13] Xuemei Wang, Zifu Li, Xiaoqin Zhou, et al. Study on the bio-methane yield and microbial community structure in enzyme enhanced anaerobic co-digestion of cow manure and corn straw[J]. Bioresource Technology. 2016; 219:150-157.
[14] Xuemei Wang, Zifu Li, Xue Bai, et al. Study on improving anaerobic co-digestion of cow manure and corn straw by fruit and vegetable waste: Methane production and microbial community in CSTR process[J]. Bioresource Technology. 2018; 249: 290-297.
[15] Xuemei Wang, Gabauer Wolfgang, Zifu Li, et al. Improving exploitation of chicken manure via two-stage anaerobic digestion with an intermediate membrane contactor to extract ammonia[J]. Bioresource Technology. 2018; 268: 811-814.
[16] Fuchs Werner, Xuemei Wang, Gabauer Wolfgang, et al. Tackling ammonia inhibition for efficient biogas production from chicken manure: Status and technical trends in Europe and China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018;97:186-199.
[17] Xuemei Wang, Rui Yan, Yuying Zhao, et al. Biogas standard system in China[J]. Renewable Energy. 2020; 157:1265-1273.
b)Important Project
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China- general project, Soil biogeochemical process and erosion research in key karst zones, 2015-2018, Ji Hongbing (Project leader)
[2] Major State Basic Research Development Program of China 973 project, Based on water rock soil air generation interaction of Karst land carbon cycle mode and regulation mechanism, 2012 ~ 2017, Ji Hongbing (Sub-project Leader)
[3] Project of "100 Talents Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Weathering and erosion, carbon cycle and related research in key zones, 2012-2015, Ji Hongbing (Project leader)
[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China- general project, Study on interaction mechanism and impact of humus and heavy metals in environmental solid of water source area in Beijing, 2012-2015, Ji Hongbing (Project leader)
[5] National key research and development plan, Rural toilet resource utilization management system, standard specification and industrialization promotion, 2018-2022, Li Tianxin (Sub-project Leader)
[6] Environmental protection public welfare project, Third party investigation, control and evaluation of total heavy metal exposure of residents in typical areas (phase I), 2016-2017, Li Tianxin (Project Leader)
[7] Preliminary research project of the 13th five year plan, Urban environmental infrastructure evaluation and environmental quality benefit improvement strategy research under the requirements of greening, 2015-2016, Li Tianxin (Project Leader)
[8] Environmental protection public welfare project, Environmental and health risk assessment and management, 2015-2016, Li Tianxin (Project Leader)
[9] Preliminary research project of the 13th five year plan, Analysis on the matching degree and accessibility of regional atmospheric joint prevention and control measures in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, 2015-2016, Li Tianxin (Project Leader)
[10] Preliminary research project of the 12th five year plan, Linkage analysis of China's economic situation development and changes in international geopolitical pattern on China's resource and energy consumption and environmental problems, 2014-2015, Li Tianxin (Project Leader)
[11] National Natural Science Foundation of China- general project, Research on response mechanism of groundwater nano iron and manganese based on isotope fingerprint technology, 2014-2016, Li Tianxin (Project Leader)
[12] National Natural Science Foundation of China- general project, Theoretical and empirical research on ecological compensation framework for multi-level administrative divisions, 2012-2015, Song Bo (Project Leader)
[13] National water project, Dianchi Lake Basin water environment integrated management support technology research and platform construction project, 2012-2016, Song Bo (Task Leader)
[14] Project of China Science and technology exchange center of the Ministry of science and technology, Special research of Sino US Joint Research Center for clean energy (CERC), 2015-2016, Song Bo (Project Leader)
[15] Science and technology innovation strategy research project of Ministry of science and technology: Science and technology innovation cooperation strategy research of several key countries: Science and technology innovation cooperation strategy research of Australia, 2017-2018, Song Bo (Project Leader)
[16] National Water Project: Construction and comprehensive demonstration of national water environment technology transformation system in xiong'an new area, 2018-2020, Song Bo (Sub-project Leader)
[17] Beautiful Yuhuan ecological civilization construction planning -- special topic of spatial planning and ecological economy, 2019-2020, Song Bo (Project Leader)
[18] National key research and development plan, Research and application of new technologies for water resources recycling in Fangshan District, Beijing, 2019-2022, Wang Xuemei (Key participant)
[19] Fundamental and Application-fundamental Research Fund, Guangdong Province, Research on the mechanism and optimization of oil production yeast using fruit and vegetable waste fermentation broth to synthesize oil, 2020-2021, Wang Xuemei (Project leader)
[1] Second prize of "science and technology award of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", Li Tianxin (2017)
[2] "Excellent talents in Beijing", Li Tianxin (2014)
[3] "Young key teacher", Li Tianxin (2012)