Wang Qinggong
Education & Working Experience
2025.01-present, Professor in University of Science and Technology Beijing.
2015.08-2015.01. Senior Research Scientist in Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, China Academy of Space Technology
2011.09-2015.07, PhD. Student in Tsinghua University, China
2013.11-2014.09, Joint PhD Student in CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics of Australia
2012.08-2012.10, Visiting PhD Student in VTT Technique Research Centre of Finland
2009.09-2011.07, Master Student in Harbin Institute of Technology, China
2005.09-2009.07, Bachelor Student in Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Research projects
1. Beijing Nova program (2024.1-2026.12), Key technologies of water extraction and production of hydrogen and oxygen in extraterrestrial extreme conditions. Project leader.
2. National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022.11-2026.1), Microgravity fluid physics and thermophysics in space. Sub-project task leader.
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major program, 2021.1-2024.12). Electrocapillary phenomenon and fluid transport enhancement under normal and microgravity conditions. Project leader.
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth program, 2017.1-2019.12). Gravity-independent interphase coupling mechanism and computational model for gas-liquid flow in microgravity condition. Project leader.
Academic Achievements
Main journal publications:
[1] Wang Q, Yu Q, Du W, Fang Z, Li K, Wang Q*. Fluid distribution in a two-phase space accumulator predicted by a coupled multi-scale model based on single-domain approach. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2025, 162: 108567.
[2] Long Q, Wang Q*, Mao Y, Gu J. Wang L, He Y. Thermal performance of a laser-diode end-pumped Nd: YVO4 slab crystal cooled by a pair of microchannel heat sinks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 194: 108547.
[3] Huo X, Li L, Yang Y, Liu X, Yu Q*, Wang Q*. The Dynamics of Directional Transport of a Droplet in Programmable Electrowetting Channel. Physics of Fluids, 35, 032105 (2023). (Featured article)
[4] Liu Y, Wang C, Pang Y, Wang Q*, Zhao Z, Lin T, Wang Z, Shen T, Liu S, Song J, Lai X, Quan X, Yao W*. Water extraction from icy lunar regolith by drilling-based thermal method in a pilot-scale unit. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 202: 386-399.
[5] Hu N, Wang Q*, Liu S, Gu J, Li L, Lyu J. A narrow shape double-layer microchannel heat sink (DL-MCHS) designed for high-power laser crystal. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022: 118456.
[6] Liu S, Xie W, Wang Q*, Liu Y, Hu N. Thermal performance of a central-jetting microchannel heat sink designed for a high-power laser crystal. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 185: 122409.
[7] Wang Q*, Li L, Gu J, Zhang C, Lyu J, Yao W. Manipulation of a Nonconductive Droplet in an Aqueous Fluid with AC Electric Fields: Droplet Dewetting, Oscillation, and Detachment. Langmuir, 2021, 37(41): 12098-12111. (Front Cover)
[8] Weng N, Wang Q*, Gu J, Li J, Wang C, Yao W*. The dynamics of droplet detachment in reversed electrowetting (REW). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 616: 126303.
[9] Wang Q*, Xu M, Wang C, Gu J, Hu N, Lyu J, Yao W. Actuation of a Nonconductive Droplet in an Aqueous Fluid by Reversed Electrowetting Effect. Langmuir, 2020, 36(28): 8152-8164. (Supplementary Cover)
[10] Weng N, Wang Q*, Li J, Lyu J, Zhang H, Yao W. Liquid penetration in metal wire mesh between parallel plates under normal gravity and microgravity conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 167: 114722.
[11] Wang Q*, Li L, Gu J, Weng N. A Dynamic Model for the Oscillatory Regime of Liquid Rise in Capillaries. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019: 115220.
[12] Gu J, Wu Y*, Tang G, Wang Q*, Lyu J. Experimental study of heat transfer and bubble behaviors of NaCl solutions during nucleate flow boiling. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 109: 109907.
[13] Q Wang*, W Yao, H Zhang, X Lu. Analysis of the performance of an alkali metal thermoelectric converter (AMTEC) based on a lumped thermal-electrochemical model. Applied Energy, 216 (2018) 195-211.
[14] Q Wang, W Yao*, X Quan, P Cheng*. Validation of a Dynamic Model for Vapor Bubble Growth and Collapse under Microgravity Conditions. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 95 (2018) 63-73.
[15] Q Wang, J Gu, Z Li, W Yao*. Dynamic modeling of bubble growth in vapor-liquid phase change covering a wide range of superheats and pressures. Chemical Engineering Science, 172 (2017) 169-181.
[16] J Gu, Q Wang*, Y Wu*, J Lu, S Li, W Yao. Modeling of subcooled boiling by extending the RPI wall boiling model to ultra-high pressure conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 124 (2017) 571-584.
[17] Q Wang*, G Zhang, C Wang, R Ma, W Yao*. The electrically induced bubble behaviors considering different bubble injection directions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104 (2017) 729-742.
[18] Q Wang, W Yao*. Computation and validation of the interphase force models for bubbly flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 98 (2016) 799-813.
[19] Q Wang, Y Feng*, J Lu*, W Yin, H Yang, P J Witt, M Zhang. Numerical Study of Particle Segregation Behaviors in a Coal Beneficiation Fluidized Bed by a TFM-DEM Hybrid Model: Influence of Coal Particle Size and Density. Chemical Engineering Journal, 260 (2015) 240–257.
[20] Q Wang, H Yang, Y Feng*, P J Witt, J Lu*, W Yin. Numerical Study of the Influence of Operation Parameters on Particle Segregation in a Coal Beneficiation Fluidized Bed by a TFM-DEM Hybrid Model. Chemical Engineering Science, 131 (2015) 256-270.
[21] Q Wang*, W Yin, H Yang, J Lu*, B Zhao. Numerical study on the effect of fine coal accumulation in a coal beneficiation fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 283 (2015) 570-578.
[22] Q Wang, T Niemi, J Peltola, S Kallio, H Yang, J Lu*, L Wei. Particle Size Distribution in CPFD Modeling of Gas-Solid Flows in a CFB Riser, Particuology, 21 (2015) 107-117.
[23] Q Wang, W Yin, B Zhao, H Yang*, J Lu, L Wei. The Segregation Behaviors of Fine Coal Particles in a Coal Beneficiation Fluidized Bed, Fuel Processing Technology, 124 (2014) 28–34.
[24] Q Wang, H Yang, P Wang, J Lu*, Q Liu, H Zhang, L Wei, M Zhang. Application of CPFD method in the simulation of a circulating fluidized bed with a loop seal, Part I – Determination of modeling parameters, Powder Technology, 253 (2014) 814–821.
[25] Q Wang, H Yang, P Wang, J Lu*, Q Liu, H Zhang, L Wei, M Zhang. Application of CPFD method in the simulation of a circulating fluidized bed with a loop seal, Part II –Investigation of solids circulation, Powder Technology, 253 (2014) 822–828.
[26] Q Wang, J Lu, W Yin, H Yang*, L Wei. Numerical Study of Gas-Solid Flow in a Coal Beneficiation Fluidized Bed using Kinetic Theory of Granular Flow, Fuel Processing Technology, 111 (2013) 29–41.