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  • “Handbook on Risk Prevention of Exposure to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia” , edited by Professor Xiaoli Duan from University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB), has been published and free availabl

    Release time: 2020-02-09

    The Environmental Exposure and Health Center, School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, and the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences co-authored the “Handbook on Risk Prevention of Risk of Exposure to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia”, which aims to provide professional guidance on effective protection for sub-populations. The handbook has recently been published by China Environmental Science Press.


    The members of the University of Science and Technology, responded to the pandemic actively. Professor Xiaoli Duan, the leader of the Environmental Exposure and Health Center, and her group members cooperated with the group of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, leaded by Xiaoli Zhao. They searched a large of documents and literatures at home and abroad, collected the research results, and formed the handbook finally. The aim of this handbook was to provide more detailed prevention and control guidance for different exposure population, including college students and faculties, environmental protection related practitioners, special practitioners and the general public. Tracing epidemic prevention was carried out based on the behavior, activity patterns, travel patterns, and environmental exposure risks of different population. The handbook is divided into four volumes: "General Public", "Environmental Protection Related Practitioners", "College Students and Faculties" and "Special Practitioners", which will provide an "encyclopedia level" epidemic prevention guidance for the public. The handbook had been published to the public for free in electronic edition to fight against the pandemic.

    (e-book: http://www.cesp.com.cn/cbfx/xstj/202002/t20200207_761777.html)

    This pandemic was a war without smoke and everyone played an important role during this critic period. University of Science and Technology Beijing has actively participated the prevention work, implemented the spirit of the government, fulfilled the responsibilities, mobilized all faculties, and contributed to winning the anti-epidemic campaign since the outbreak of the epidemic. 

Address: No.30, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing. Postcode: 100083 Tel: 010-62333757
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